Books by Marco Frascari
Marco Frascari
Marco Frascari's Dream House: A Theory of Imagination -Edited by Federica Goffi, Routledge 2017
Book review by Franco Pisani, The Plan Journal, 2 (1): 145-150, 2017.
Marco Frascari
11 Exercises in the Art of Architectural Drawing. Slow Food for the Architect's Imagination - Routledge 2013
Marco Frascari
11 Exercises in the Art of Architectural Drawing. Slow Food for the Architect's Imagination - Routledge 2013
Marco Frascari
Monsters of Architecture: Anthropomorphism in Architectural Theory. Rowman & Littlefield Pub. Incorporated, 1991
Marco Frascari
The VIRTUE of ARCHITECTURE. A 2009 Strenna. Lulu press
Marco Frascari
Zibaldino. Lulu press 2009
Marco Frascari
Una Pillola per Sognare: una Casa. Editrice Progetti, Milano 1995
Marco Frascari and Adriana Ross
Drawing in Silence. Lulu Press 2012
Book chapters by Marco Frascari
Marco Frascari
'The Tell-the-Tale Detail'
Republished in: Reader: Tectonics in Architecture. Edited by Isak Worre Foged and Marie Frier Hvejsel
Aalborg Universitetsforlag 2018.
Marco Frascari
'An Age of Paper'
in: When is the Digital in Architecture? Edited by Andrew Goodhouse.
Canadian Center for Architecture, Sternberg Press 2017.
Marco Frascari
'An architectural good-life can be built, explained and taught only through storytelling'
in: Reading Architecture and Culture: Researching Buildings, Spaces and Documents. Edited by Adam Sharr, Routledge 2012: 224-234
Marco Frascari
'De Beata Architectura: Places for Thinking'
in: The Cultural Role of Architecture: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives. Edited by Paul Emmons, John Hendrix and Jane Lomholt, Routledge 2012: 83-92
Marco Frascari
'A reflection on paper and its virtues within the material and invisible factures of architecture'
in: From Models to drawings: Imagination and Representation in Architecture. Edited by Marco Frascari, Jonathan Hale and Bradley Starkey, Routledge 2010: 23-33
Marco Frascari
'Horizons at the Drafting Table: Filarete and Steinberg'
in: Chora 5: Intervals in the Philosophy of Architecture. Edited by Alberto Pérez-Gomez and Stephen PArcell. MQUP 2007.
Marco Frascari
'Semiotica Ab Edendo. Taste in Architecture'
in: Eating Architecture. Edited by Jamie Horwitz and Paulette Singley, MIT Press 2004: 191-206
Marco Frascari
'The Pneumatic Bathroom'
in: Plumbing: Sounding Modern Architecture. Edited by Nadir Lahiji and D. S. Friedman, Princeton Architectural Press 2004: 163-182
Marco Frascari
'A Tradition of Architectral Figures: A Search for Vita Beata'
in: Body and Building: Essays on the Changing Relation of Body and Architecture for Joseph Rykwert on his seventy-firth birthday. Edited by George Dodds, Robert Tavernor, MIT Press 2002: 258-267
Marco Frascari
'Semiotica Ab Edendo. Taste in Architecture'
in: The Culture of Silence. Architecture's Fifth Dimension. Edited byMalcolm Quantrill and Bruce Webb, Texas A&M University Press 1998: 67-93
Marco Frascari
'The Mirror Theater of Vincenzo Scamozzi'
in: Paper Palaces: The Rise of the Renaissance Architectural Treatise. Edited by Vaughan Hart with Peter Hicks, Yale University Press 1998: 247-260
Marco Frascari
'On the Grotesque Body the Architecture: The Early Works of Aldo Andreani, Architetto Mantovano'
in: Constancy and Change in Architecture. Studies in Architecture and Culture 1, M. Quantril and B .Webb Eds. Texas A&M University Press, 1991
Marco Frascari
'The Drafting Knife and Pen'
in: Implementing Architecture. Exposing the Paradigm Surrounding the Implements and the Implementation of Architecture. Edited by Rob Miller, Nexus Press 1988
Journal Articles by Marco Frascari
Marco Frascari
The Ambiguity of Non-Finito. Architecture: The Deceiving of Time. in PERSPECTA, The Yale Architectural Journal, MIT Press, Amnesia 2015, n. 10: 104-107
Marco Frascari and Livio Volpi Ghirardini
"Contra Divinam Proportionem", pp. 65-74 in Nexus II: Architecture and Mathematics, ed. Kim Williams, Fucecchio (Florence): Edizioni dell'Erba, 1998.
Marco Frascari
Some Mostri Sacri of Italian Architecture. AA Files n. 14 1987: 42-47
Marco Frascari
The Tell-the-Tale Detail. VIA 7 1981: 23-37 University of Pennsylvania
Marco Frascari
A Textual Corporeality, in New Observations n.49 Summer 1987: 2-4 (Editor Daniel Libeskind)
Marco Frascari
The Surreal presence of Techne and Logos in Carlo Scarpa's Museums, in Architecture, Technology, Culture ACSA 23-25 October 1986
Marco Frascari
Gee Wiz, in Interstices A Journal of Architecture and related Arts (Animal Impulse) September 2005, n. 06: 84-89
Marco Frascari
A 'measure' in Architecture. A medical-architectural theory by Simone Stratico, Architetto Veneto, in RES, 9 Spring 1985: 80-90
Marco Frascari and William Braham
L'Eterna Geomater dell'Architettura, Ovvero, l'Arte del Traciare Linee Eleganti, in Paradosso 8, 1995 : 137-160
Marco Frascari and William Braham
A Heroic and Admirable Machine: The Theater of the Architecture of Carlo Scarpa, Architetto Veneto in Poetics Today, Duke University press Spring 89, 1987: 103-126
Marco Frascari
A New Angel/Angle in Architectural Research: The Ideas of Demonstration, in JAE Fall 1990 : 11-19
Marco Frascari
Splendors and Miseries of Architectural Construction Drawings, in Interstices 11 The Traction of Drawing 2011: 107-113
Marco Frascari
The Role of Details in an Urban Text in Volume Zero, The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Architectural Journal 1985-86: 16-27
Marco Frascari
Elegant Curiosity in LOG Spring/Summer 2008, 12: 69-79
Marco Frascari
The Body and Architecture in the drawings of Carlo Scarpa in RES Autumn 1987: 123-142
Marco Frascari
The Compass and the Crafty Art of Architecture in Modulus 22 The Architectural Review at the University of Virginia 1993: 2-15
Marco Frascari
Festina Lente (Hurrying Slowly) an essay on the building of speed in GB Progetti 1993, n. 10: 18-20
Conference Papers by Marco Frascari