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Built work, drawings and projects by Marco Frascari






Built work


Transformation, Preservation (1973-75) and Adaptive Reuse (1990-91) of the Dogana Veneta, Lazise, Verona 


Brunetti's House 1974, Verona Italy













Private residence in Sommacampagna 1974-75, Verona Italy 


Arthur Ross Gallery, Furness Building, 1982-83, University of Pennsylvania Campus Philadelphia PA, USA













Church of Incarnation, 1983, Mount Olive, NJ, USA


Enlisted Men's Club 1984, Fort Dix, NJ, USA


Parking Garage, Lungadige Attiraglio, Verona, Italy


The stanza rossa 1985-91, Via Torretti, Vicenza, Italy



















1985 New Master Apartment and Remodeling of Entry and new lounge, House of 1925, University of Pennsylvania Campus, Philadephia, PA, USA














1987 Alycen's House, Atlanta, GA, USA












1993 Pic-Pam Shop, Rue Parmantier 39, Paris, France


1999 Transformation and addition of Villa Rosa, Mason's Neck, Virginia












2006 Apartment Transformation, Ottawa










2003 World Trade Center Memorial Site Competition 


GEM competition for the Great Egyptian Museum, Cairo Egypt (with others)












2002 Invited Competition, Air Force Memorial Competition,  Arlington VA, USA (with WAAC) 

















2001-2002 Multimedia Tourist Center, Piazza Dante, Genoa, Italy (with Federica Goffi and Matthew Mindrup)









1993    Invited competition “The Architect’s Dream Houses for the Next Millennium",

The Contemporary Art Center Cincinnati OH (with others)









1991    Selected, Samarkanda Competition (with others) 


1989    Mention, International Competition for the Library of Alexandria (with others) 


1985    Selected, International Competition Ca’ Venier dei Leoni, Biennale di Venezia(with others) 


1985    Selected, International Competition Ponte dell’ Accademia, Biennale di Venezia (with others)


1979    NJ AIA Design Award for an office building to be built in Camden, NJ


1973    Second Prize at the International Competition for The Florence State Archives (with others)


1972    First Prize for the Interior Design of a Church, Ospedale Psichiatrico Marzana, Verona, Italy






1983 Folly for Sale: “Janus with His Head in the Sky,” in collaboration with Joseph Rykwert, Leo Castelli Gallery, NY








1985 Third International Exhibition of Architecture: Accademia Bridge and Ca Venier dei Leoni, Biennale di Venezia, Venice It


1993 Exhibit: The Architect's Dream: Houses for the Next Millenium, The Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati OH








1994 Exhibit - Construction Drawings, Upper Gallery, Mayerson Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadeplhia, PA


1996 Exhibit: The Book of Geomater, Faculty Club University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA










Drawings, sketches and models at the Architectural Archives of the University of Pennsylvania


all materials by Marco Frascari © 2016 Paola Frascari

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