Marco Frascari keynote speaker
2010 Constructing Imagination: A Symposium on the "Matter" of Architectural Scholarship, Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center, Virginia Tech

Tributes to Frascari's legacy:
2023 Da Mantova a Verona, dagli Stati Uniti al Canada by Alba Dii Lieto p. 80-82
Il Dettaglio che Rivela una Storia by Federica Goffi p. 83-87
in Architetti Verona A 134 #03 Alberto Vignolo, Editor
June 23 2023 The Architect's Craft [Il Mestiere dell'Architetto] lecture delivered by Federica Goffi in the MANTOVARCHITETTURA Lecture Series, Casa del Mantegna, Mantua, Italy
Goffi discussed the legacy of Marco Frascari deepening his vision of architectural design intertwined with issues of drawing and representation.
April 22, 2014 Confabulations The Movie by Donald Kunze
This tribute by Don Kunze proposes that Frascari's teaching lives on in
those he influenced over the years.
Biographical links:
Interstices 14, 2013 - In Memoriam: Marco Frascari (1945-2013) by Ross Jenner
JAE Vol. 67, No. 2, October 2013 - Marco Frascari, 1945–2013 by Paul Emmons
Canadian Architect, June 25, 2013 - Marco Frascari, Director of the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism: 1945-2013 by Federica Goffi
Boundary Language website. Marco Frascari 1945-2013 by Donald Kunze
Il Giornale dell'Architettura, 24 June 2013 - Marco Frascari (1945-2013). L'omaggio a uno storico e teorico dell'architettura italiano che operava in Canada by Claudio Sgarbi